Performance: An Art or a Science?

Lately, I have become attracted to the book Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game by Michael Lewis, published in 2003, and written about the science of baseball.  Much to traditionalists’ dismay, it makes a convincing argument that baseball can be broken down into meaningful statistics….. but the ones that count aren’t the ones …

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What do you really want?

Would it surprise you if I told you that most businesses don’t know what they really want? Business leaders have no hesitation saying how big they want to be or how profitable. But when asked what their company will be doing in ten years, they don’t really know unless it is some extension of what they are …

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What are we thankful for?

In this whirlwind of life we often have so much on our plates, literally and metaphorically, that it is hard to be thankful! Yet, we have an opportunity to see the glass half full rather than half empty–and when we do, we often find our burden lightened and our dreams closer. Take the time to count …

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Chronic Inconsistency is Potentially Lethal

Yes, folks, chronic inconsistency is a disease like chronic high cholesterol. Unfortunately too many of us are afflicted. It goes by different names; perhaps you have heard of it as the “flavor of the week” or the “new shiny object”. Regardless what we call it, it has deadly consequences. Chronic inconsistency occurs when there is …

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Creativity + Discipline = Profitable Growth

The headlines are filled with the virtues of innovative leadership. In times of rapid change, the mantra may be “innovate or die”. We applaud the big idea, just like the “big play” in sports. Headlines are captured by dunks and home runs. While they captivate our attention and energize the game they don’t guarantee wins.  …

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Want to improve your 2012 performance?

Who doesn’t? As we take stock of how we can best help our friends and clients succeed in 2012, we thought about all of the most common pitfalls companies face. Our goal is to help as many companies as possible– by giving encouragement and by offering solutions for the biggest challenges you face in a …

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Reynolds Consulting, LLC is turning 10!!

Dear Friends, The last ten years has been an amazing journey. Much has been accomplished and much has been learned. The most important thing is that I have had the privilege of meeting you, working with you and learning from you. It has been a deep honor and I hope the journey continues to lead …

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Yikes! It’s strategic planning time!

Fourth quarter is known for lots of things–year end reports, spending the last of this year’s budget, setting next years budget and oh, yes, time to update or create the strategic plan. In a recent survey you told me that you do a strategic plan when things aren’t going well. You call in the calvary when you …

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