Customer Relationships: Healthy or Not?

It is an interesting question, and, on the surface, it seems easy to answer. Most companies feel their customers are satisfied and that they have good relationships but does that translate into sales or retention? Not really. I just spent time reviewing a client’s database of customers—customers who self-report high levels of satisfaction. One thing …

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Growth Results from The Questions You Ask

One of the reasons I don’t like the term strategic planning is because it is too often viewed as a cursory process, looking through the lens of what a company has already done, to try to figure out what actions to take next The experience is often framed by the question, “How can we be better?”. Being better is a great …

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Leading for Growth in a Volatile World.

As leaders we are inundated with challenges. There are the daily fires to put out as operational requirements are aligned to meet market needs in real time. There are occasional game-changing challenges from external sources over which we have no control, like Covid-19 or an economic downcycle. And then there are the strategic challenges leaders …

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Want Breakthrough Growth? Do Less.

Huh? Most of us associate growth with big ideas, big schemes, and big transformations. That is not untrue. But the big transformations are more likely to be to the mindset of leadership than to the activities of the organization. It took me a while to figure it out, but scalable companies aren’t necessarily smarter or …

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What’s the Secret of Life?

This is dating me, but one of my favorite movie dialogues is from City Slickers: Curly: Do you know what the secret of life is? [points index finger skyward] This. Mitch: Your finger? Curly: One thing. Just one thing. You stick to that, and the rest don’t mean sh*t. Mitch: But, what is the “one …

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Do the Company’s Actions Match its Strategy?

Do the right- and left-hand work together? When was the last time you were a customer of your own business? Undercover Boss may not have really made it as a tv sensation and you may not even like the idea of “fooling” employees, but as leaders, don’t we have a responsibility to verify that what …

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Leadership from the Back

My friends and I just completed one of the most physically demanding horseback adventures we have ever done, which is saying a lot after participating in ten rides across the world in the last eight years. We were in the Parc Naturel Regional Morvan. It is like a national park in the Burgundy area of …

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