How do you drive more profit out of core business?

Impossible you say? You have probably cut about every expense you can think of out of your business in the last three years. You are doing everything you can to drive revenue. So….what else is left? Profit management!  Most likely 40% or more of your business is still unprofitable. WHAT?? Shocking, I know. But after significant …

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Myth: Breakthrough growth only works for highly innovative companies

Breakthrough growth is something everyone wants and few feel they can have. We are conditioned to believe we aren’t good/big/innovative/smart/technology-driven/fill-in-the-blank enough to achieve it. Great news! Breakthrough growth is not a limited commodity. It can happen to almost any company that seeks it in a committed fashion. Breakthrough growth requires two basic things–an ability to …

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CEO Interview – Danny O’Neill

Danny O’NeillThe Roasterie FactoryInterview with Danny O’Neill, Bean Baron, President/Owner of The Roasterie Factory The Roasterie Factory1204 W 27th Street Kansas City, MO 64108(816) 931-4000(800) 376-0245 Where did the idea to start THE ROASTERIE come from?I signed up to become a Foreign Exchange Student in High School. I wanted to go to either West Germany …

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When is the best time to plant an Oak tree?

Never fear, I have not become a horticulturist! Yet, I can’t help but draw a parallel. How many times on a hot sunny day (I know it’s winter, but imagine!) have you wished you had planted that nice Oak shade tree by the patio, or in front of the big bay window that is letting …

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Ready, Aim, Fire!

Sounds simple, right? Yet, how many of us would reluctantly admit that in this crazy busy world, more often than not, we ready, fire, aim? Just today I was working with a client– a business of 30 people–all of whom are talented and stretched too thin. Before the holidays we recognized the need to create a procedure …

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Three ideas for a great start in 2012

Welcome to 2012! As you get off to a new start, I wanted to share with you some things my team and I have pulled together to help you accomplish your growth goals for the year–great ideas, tools and takeaways. Click the links and get off to a strong start! New Mini Book Series: Our …

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What are your goals for 2012?

Frankly, I am not a big believer in New Year’s resolutions for the simple fact that they tend to be a wish list. I am, however, a zealot about goals. Big difference in my opinion–goals are the outcome you are seeking and willing to do something different to attain. As Bill Copeland said,  “The trouble …

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The New Year Countdown…How to Prepare? Part 2

The New Year is just around the corner and to be sure you get off to a bang…this blog offers a series of steps you can take, one a day, to be sure you are prepared. See part one here. There are 11 days left… Day 11: Call an employee meeting and ask for feedback …

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The New Year Countdown…How to Prepare?

There are now 16 days between today and your clean slate–you know, the new year when you are sure you will be able to turn a page, charge the motor and get going on a great set of objectives, plans and projects to make 2012 the best year ever.  So how will you do that? What …

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