Do your customers need you?

Of course, you say. We provide an important service. No doubt. But do your customers need YOU? Could they get that service from another company and feel (whether you agree or not) that it is comparable? It is interesting to me how many companies can’t even define who their target customers are; they are anybody …

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Company Capabilities: Are You as Good as You Think?

Growth comes from the intersection of market needs and organization capabilities. The sweet spot is where your company’s strengths meet customer requirements better or differently than anyone else. The only caveat is that you must genuinely deliver more value through those capabilities. If your company has superior customer service capabilities, that’s great. But answer the …

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Solving the Growth Puzzle

Ever wonder why strategic implementation is so tricky? Why is it  that best made plans go awry during implementation? You are NOT alone.  After speaking to thousands of executives from across the country, I have learned it is the number one concern regarding strategic planning. However, it is NOT the number one problem in strategic …

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Lemons, Rainbows and Four Leaf Clovers

I don’t sign my email with a smiley face but I know a very well regarded Fortune 500 leader who does! By the time we reach middle management and above we are used to the grind and a bit cynical about making lemonade from lemons, and looking for rainbows and four leaf clover. I get …

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CEO Interview – Raul Regalado

Raul Regalado & Associates Interview with Raul Regalado, Principal Consultant, Raul Regalado & Associates Raul, why did you choose to get involved in the airport business?As a youngster I was always interested in airplanes and used to build airplane models. During Vietnam, I chose to enlist in Aviation Army flight school. I learned to fly helicopters and completed …

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Increase profits substantially, immediately!

Many of you have heard me speak of a book called Islands of Profit in a Sea of Red Ink. Written by Jonathan Byrnes, an MIT professor and a colleague on the speaking circuit, it shares alarming insights into the profitability of our customers. For example, after significant empirical study he found only 40% of customers contribute …

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