[Video] Four Ways to Test Your Strategy

How do you know if your strategy is good or bad? Chances are you don’t need me to tell you. There are many indicators and you can usually look around you in the organization and figure it out. However, just because strategy is not implemented effectively doesn’t mean the strategy is bad and just because …

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[Video] Harness Hardship to Drive Growth

All of us face hardship at one time or another. Usually our goal is to move through it or find a way to end it as fast as possible. But harness it? What does that mean? Essentially, harnessing hardship is about engaging challenges and embracing change in order to achieve transformational improvements. Big benefits don’t …

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[Video] 7 Questions to Ask Before You Hire a Strategic Planner

Many clients tell me that the strategic planning experience they have with me is different than they have had before–better, more comprehensive, drove team work, more focused on outcomes, and much more action-oriented. When I ask how to better explain that in proposals, they tell me it is not the words used in the proposals–the …

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Strategic Planning Tip: Thinking Bigger

Last December I made my annual trip to bring Christmas to orphans in Haiti. I was inspired by a young lady I met, SophiaPierre, to find a way to make and bring Poupee’s (baby dolls) for our trip this year. In fact, I wrote a blog about it, “Are You Thinking BIG?” which many of …

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Reach new planets or send a man to the moon? You pick.

It is not unusual for me to make a case for specificity in strategy. Without the clarity specificity brings, plans lack focus, people lack clarity and chaos reigns! Consider this: What if JFK had said our space program was to reach and explore new planets? Who would have done what? Would it require us to …

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CEO Interview – Jonathan Byrnes

Profit Isle Interview with Jonathan Byrnes, Senior Lecturer, MIT and Author of Islands of Profit in a Sea of Red Ink Jonathan, you are the author of “Islands of Profit in a Sea of Red,” a book that can help companies build profit in a very short time; I’m a big fan. Could you please describe your …

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Strategic Planning Tip: Dare to be different!

Most strategic plans don’t yield great results. There are a myriad of reasons but one is that they just aren’t very strategic. They tend to be more operational. Often, inspiration is taken from what competitors are doing. If they are offering a new product or service, other companies feel they must too. I call this …

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Strategic Planning: What won’t you do?

In my experience one of the best tests of a good strategy is clarity around what you won’t do. However, this is also where a lot of organizations struggle–profit and non-profits alike. Because after all, aren’t you in business to cultivate customers? So don’t you want to do what your customers ask of  you? Maybe, …

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