Election Impact on Small Business

This article from the Wall Street Journal does a great job of summarizing the impact of the recent election on 9 issues that impact small business such healthcare, taxes, regulations and access to capital. Generally, expect to pay more and have more regulations. Read article

Plus One

A friend of mine has a philosophy–it is called Plus One. Essentially, it is derived from camping experiences where you haul out everything you take in, leaving the area as you found it. But what if you went one step further and took out all of your “stuff” plus one more thing? How long would …

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Are You Guessing, or Do You Know?

In small businesses across America, teams of executives are discussing what to do now that the economy is back. Some are wondering why they aren’t seeing sales rebound. Others are hiring like crazy. What accounts for the difference? The industry you are in? How good your product is? The attitude you have? The difference may …

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CEO Interview – Randy MacLean

Randy MacLean WayPoint Analytics Interview with Randy MacLean, President and CEO of WayPoint Analytics, Inc CEO Randy MacLean, of Waypoint Analytics, Inc. shares how “big data” can lead to competitive advantage and big profits. 

In business, what you don’t know WILL hurt you…

In business, what you don’t know WILL hurt you; do you know what you need to know to make better decisions? Have you ever wished that the planning and budgeting cycle we all slog through in the fall were easier? Maybe, you think to yourself, if only you started a little earlier or prepared a …

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Some of you know that I recently went on a solitude retreat; five days by myself to read, ride and write. I have been encouraged to do so for years, not because anything is wrong, but simply to allow time to find the essence of the soul and develop clarity of purpose. While there in …

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Do NOT read this if you LOVE budgeting!

Ok, now that we know we are all in the same boat—not big fans of the traditional budgeting process, what can we do about it? How about learn to do it differently and better! Would you like to: •             Enter the budgeting and planning process with greater clarity regarding market-based opportunities for performance improvement? •             …

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Ready for Planning and Budget Season this Fall?

I have yet to talk to an executive who describes this as their favorite time of the year! If you dread it, learn how to make it less painful. It is possible. I have had clients reduce the time it takes to budget by over a month by following the techniques described in our workbook, …

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