Four steps to improve the value of strategic planning implementation

Strategic planning implementation is known for being fraught with problems and achieving lower-than-desired results. Depending on what source you read, 70-90% of strategic plans that fail, do so in execution. Strategic planning is almost synonymous with “dusty book on shelf”. Why? There are three reasons: Action Planning–People don’t know what is expected of them: Often strategic …

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Strategic Planning Excellence: Defining the End Game

Like most things, strategic planning success varies wildly. Most of us have participated or even led the process but how well it has worked is another question. Given the freshness of the World Series, allow me to compare it to professional baseball. All the teams play the game but by the end of the season …

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The #1 Reason Strategic Execution Fails

When speaking with Vistage members about strategy, the most common complaint is the difficulty of effective implementation. In fact, depending on what report you read, 70-90% of plans that fail do so because of poor execution. Not only that, but plans that “work” only achieve 66% of potential value. Ouch! That is a lot of …

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Culture is the new Competitive Advantage

Every company has a culture, just like every company sells something–a product or a service. However, just as in products, there is a wide variety of cultures. The two most important categories are purposeful cultures and default cultures. If you don’t have one, you definitely have the other. Based on observation of hundreds of small …

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3 Steps to Improve the Odds of Making Good Decisions

Unlike internet surfing at work, gambling at work is a vice that has been around for many many years. Even with modern day management practices, we have not eliminated this troubling habit. In fact, it seems more and more leaders are playing the odds—and don’t even know it! The truth is that leaders are making …

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Strategic Planning Tip: How do you measure success?

If you are like most business leaders, you are focused on the dollars and cents. More and more CEO’s get paid based on how well the company performs against expectations–whether it is stock price, revenue growth or valuation. While that may be a viable way to reward and compensate, it does nothing to increase the …

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Strategic Planning Tip: How to prioritize for profitability

Did you know that the odds are against you? Only 1 in 4 strategic growth projects actually return value. That strikes me not only as a low number but one of the reasons strategic planning execution so rarely accomplishes the intended goals. So why is the return so low? There are lots of reasons and …

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Strategy is how you spend your money

There are many definitions of strategy. One of them is: strategy is how you spend your money. In lieu of a written strategy, one could look at your budget and determine what the company values. Does the company spend to hire the best talent, have the best R & D lab, state of the art …

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