Is your strategy really a strategy?

You probably have a strategic plan.  But is that plan really a strategy?  If you have found it difficult to implement your strategic plan and achieve the intended outcomes of your strategic plan, it may well be that what you have is not actually a strategic plan. Is it a strategic plan, or an operating …

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What companies are you watching?

We don’t operate our companies in a vacuum, and these days, social media is a window into what everyone else is doing. We all keep an eye on our direct competitors of course, checking up on the big deals they land, on their pricing, their innovations, and their successes. We are probably also watching leaders …

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GrowthDNA: How Do You Stack Up?

Companies have DNA and it defines their ability to grow. It explains why some companies are able to accelerate their growth rates and enjoy more success than others. Growth is not a result of the activities a company implements, like developing a strategic plan, or identifying “rocks” (key priorities), KPI’s (key performance indicators), or “elephants” …

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Are Sports More Important than Your Business?

I am a college football fan. Perhaps you are a fan, too? That was one awesome National Championship game Monday night for just about everyone but Alabama fans! Do you think Dabo Sweeney and his entire Clemson team really studied Alabama, knew their weaknesses, and exploited them? How many hours of game film did they …

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Resolve to Grow This Year

It is that time of year where we give thought to what will be different, new and exciting for the year to come. We make promises to ourselves in the form of resolutions that we will be happier, healthier, smarter or more productive. We also know that in 30 days we will likely have gravitated …

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Do Businesses Think Long Term Anymore?

This week in a Wall Street Journal Article titled “It’s Really Hard to Think Long Term” CEO’s compared their current strategic planning horizon with their ideal time frame. For 25% of CEO’s the ideal time frame is longer than 5 years with 37% saying 3-4 years and 37% at 2 years or less. In reality, …

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Gratitude. Today I have a heartful and you are a large part of the reason. I feel privileged to work with you and know you. You are passionate, you are kind, and you are brilliant. Few in my line of work get to brag about what wonderful people they work with, the quality of those …

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The #1 Challenge to Business Growth Revealed

What is the #1 challenge companies experience when trying to grow their business? The Reveal!! Are you curious what your peers think get in the way of growth? We asked you that question last week. This week is the “Reveal” of YOUR answers!! Here are the most common responses and the GrowthDNA strand they are …

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Have you had your DNA tested?

DNA testing exploded in 2017, more than doubling. Today, around 1 in 25 adult Americans have access to their personal genetic data(1). A survey by Counsyl, a health technology company, indicates that 53% of U.S. consumers want to know what is in their DNA.  What drives the need to know? According to the founder and …

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