GrowthDNA: How Do You Stack Up?

Companies have DNA and it defines their ability to grow. It explains why some companies are able to accelerate their growth rates and enjoy more success than others. Growth is not a result of the activities a company implements, like developing a strategic plan, or identifying “rocks” (key priorities), KPI’s (key performance indicators), or “elephants” (big customers). DNA, or a company’s attributes, determines whether they achieve small or big results when they execute those activities. We call it GrowthDNA and it has four strands: Confidence. Clarity. Commitment. Culture. Click here to learn more about these strands.

Do you want to know more about your company’s GrowthDNA?

Take the free GrowthDNA assessment available at . You will receive immediate results AND suggestions on how to strengthen your GrowthDNA. It is super quick and easy!

Assessment results are reported with both a number score, with a possible score of 50 in each DNA strand, and a strength indicator of green (strong), yellow (room for improvement) or red (indicating a  challenge area). 

It is highly recommended that companies strive for at least 2-3 “green” categories with no more than 1-2 “yellow”. Organizations that don’t score high yellow or green in every category should be taking action to remove roadblocks from growth.

How do most companies score?

If you find that your organization is not scoring in the green zone, you will be in good company.  Among all assessments taken so far:

  • The median of strand scores is in the low to mid 30’s depending on the strand (the highest possible score is 50).
  • The highest median score is in the Commitment strand and the lowest in the Confidence strand.
  • The range between scores averages about 30 points in all four categories. Absolute scores range between mid-40’s and low teens.

How did your company score?

After taking the assessment and getting that feedback, here are steps you can take to begin improving your GrowthDNA:

  1. First, have others in your organization take the assessment to see if they have a different perception of strengths and compare results. Review this in a team setting to help set an agreed-to baseline score per strand..
  2. Second, review the 10 questions in each strand to determine which ones received low scores. This will help identify weak links in each strand.
  3. Third, if it would be helpful to have an objective assessment of your organization’s performance in each strand to help your team develop an accurate baseline and prioritize actions, that is available. We refer to that as a GrowthDNA Diagnostic and Action Plan.
  4. Finally, agree to an action plan to leverage strengths and improve DNA that is not yet at an ideal level and see the impact on your organization’s results! Need a better understanding of GrowthDNA? Please give me a call; I would be happy to walk you through you. Call 816-622-8843 or email me at

Ready to begin understanding your GrowthDNA? Take the assessment now.

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