Don’t react to every headline

Learn to discern reliable data from the rest.   Avoid the drama, stay current on things and do the basic math. There’s a lot of data out there, is it correct? I think we can all agree that there are too many sources and not enough facts in our current environment. You are all aware that …

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Stop Saying You Are Fine; Start Connecting

We are NOT fine. In the last few weeks I have been reaching out via phone, email, and zoom to talk to dozens of CEOs who are trying to figure out what to do. Like most conversations, it starts with “How are you?”. And the response is “I am fine, thanks.”. But you are not. …

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What in The World Do We Do Now?

I have lived through times of great personal uncertainty– fighting cancer–and collective uncertainty due to economic busts, but they are different from the pandemic which we now face. This is a perfect storm impacting our health, our pocket books, and our very way of life. As leaders of our families, our communities, and our businesses, …

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Interview with Tim Dunn and Terry Matlack

As part of our series, CEOzine, I’ve interviewed Tim Dunn and Terry Matlack, about the key success factors of investment partnerships. They don’t all work the same so check out this interview to find out what really matters. Tim Dunn serves as Chairman/Chief Investment and Treasury Officer for the family-owned company JE Dunn. Started in …

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CEO Interview – Terry Matlack and Tim Dunn

The Triple Win: What really matters in business and in baseball This interview takes a unique peek into the key success factors of investment partnerships. They don’t all work the same so find out what really matters. Many private firms seek investor resources to fund a transaction, a transition, or a new growth trajectory. One …

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Know Thy Neighbor

Recently, I wrote an editorial for the Kansas City Business Journal on the topic of bringing Kansas City from good to great.  I love my home town, and for that reason I am participating in a new Kansas City organization, LIFT KC, founded by Adam Hawley and Kelly Sulivan.  This is an organization that unites …

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What Everyone Wants to Know

Recently I had the pleasure of speaking before the FEI Kansas City Chapter (Financial Executives International) about 10x breakthrough growth. What a great group! During the session, there was three main questions about how to apply the GrowthDNA principles to their businesses. Here are those frequently asked questions and the answers to them. Perhaps you …

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If you reviewed Boost your GrowthDNA, Thank You!

My heartfelt thanks to those of you who have not only read the book but who have taken the time to post a review. The more you share your thoughts with the world, the more the world is interested. Here is what some of our colleagues are saying about GrowthDNA. A reader send me this …

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Free Chapter of Build Your GrowthDNA

GrowthDNA is a composite of a long journey to understand growth. It is not just theory or consultant speak. It works! It doesn’t matter how big your company is (or isn’t), what industry you are in, or how much you have to invest. If your company is not growing the way you believe it is …

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Measure Your Strategic Progress

How do you monitor and measure the progress of your strategic initiatives and projects?  Remember that confidence in decision making comes from having reliable data, and that includes data that keeps you on track for growth. Technology has enabled us to gather lots of information, so we can measure just about anything we choose. Choosing …

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