Employees or Ambassadors?

In today’s competitive marketplace, companies are only as good as their people. The best companies get that and have unique hiring processes to hire people who are aligned culturally with their company’s brand promise. But, so many companies don’t. How many times do you encounter those in the service profession (such as retail associates, telephone …

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To improve performance, focus on strengths

Most leaders get it wrong. If an employee is doing 70% of their job description really well and 30% marginally or worse, what do you do? If you said, “focus on their strengths,” you were right! Most of us have a tendency to want to “fix” what isn’t right. Here is the downside of focusing on what isn’t working:

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Want to raise the performance bar higher? Hire an “Athlete”.

The first time I heard the phrase “hire an athlete” was early in my career. I was working for Hallmark Cards, Inc. and my boss used the phrase. Coming from a family with a long line of athletes, I naively asked what he meant. Was he being literal? Not at all.

Hiring an athlete simply means hiring a proven performer regardless of their specific industry expertise. It means hiring someone who knows how to win. Time and time again some of the most successful companies prove that formula still works.

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Defying the Forces of Business Gravity

We all get caught up in the gravity of day to day business–the forces that keep us where we are today. We repeat our processes, our systems “lock us in” to doing business a certain way, our training is teaching the same skills and knowledge as last year, and then we wonder why growth is so elusive. We think a good day is no hiccups.

But are we doing a dis-service to our companies if we aren’t our own devils advocate, pursuing a balance between present and future and figuring out how to do something better or differently than everyone else.

What holds us back?

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CEO Interview – John Cerasoulo

JOHN CERASUOLO ADS Security Interview with John Cerasuolo, President of ADS SecurityJohn tell us a little bit about your work background before you came to ADS?I started my career with nine years in the Navy as a nuclear engineer. I enjoyed my time in the military, but left when I started my family, as I …

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Are you settling?

When you stop and think about it, how many of us are settling? Doing something that is acceptable or tolerable because our dream didn’t work out?

But wait, how many of us actually tried to attain our dream? Further, do you know what your dream is?

My experience is there are far too many people who settle because they don’t know they don’t have to. Or because they don’t know how to do anything else.

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Change is not a Choice

This is not a news flash. We have always known that change is not a luxury of choice. Yet, we have never been in the position we are now––facing so much change all at once and at such a rapid pace. We are surrounded by it… technology, health care treatment (not insurance, an entirely different issue), generational transition, buying habits, and on and on.

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6 Ways Leaders Add Value

Leaders have an opportunity and an obligation to add value to their teams and organizations. Size of the organization is irrelevant––a leader is there to “raise the tide so all boats float higher”. When that happens, employees are challenged, feel valued, and are more productive, more innovative and more likely to help the company achieve …

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Character is established in a defining moment

When my oldest son graduated from high school, I gave him a book called Real Life Begins After High School. I love to read and, unfortunately, he doesn’t, so it sat unused. I decided that I would read it cover to cover, and over the course of the summer before he went off to college, I could share the nuggets with him. “Helicopter Mom,” you are thinking? Maybe, but remember, this was my first to leave the nest!

It is now 8 years later, and he survived college and has a professional job. He is maturing every day–it is a life-long process–and no real surprise that he has his head on straight and a great sense of values. But one of the things I read in that book has stuck with me because it puts words to my feelings about character.

“Character,” as defined by the authors Bickel, Jantz and Barry, is “what you do when no one is looking”. Did you ever look at someones else’s test paper for that one elusive answer? If you order a cup of coffee at Starbucks and the barrista gives you an extra dollar as change and doesn’t realize it, do you give it back? When you do your taxes, do you report cash income? If you make a promise or commitment to someone, do you keep it? Do you promise customers one thing and deliver another? This is tough stuff. We are basically all well-intentioned good-hearted people who try to do the right thing. So why, when no one is looking, might we occasionally not do the right thing?

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Focus on inner success

A few hundred of my best friends and I had a chance to hear Billie Jean King speak at an event for WIN for KC. Billie Jean King is an icon for many reasons–but not all of the past; after listening to her speak, she continues to be a voice for progress. Recently, she was …

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