What do CEO’s care most about in 2011?

We recently conducted a survey among our own readers, experienced executive leaders, to learn more about their top business issues this year and how they intend to handle them. Read on for the results. Historically, the number one goal of CEO’s is growth. In the most recent past of economic challenges, businesses have been successful …

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Be careful what you measure (republished)

(Republished in response to reported technical problems.) The old adage “you get what you measure” has been proven time and again. The issue is, do you understand the implications of what you measure. Over the weekend, I attended a baseball series between Vanderbilt and Georgia, played in Athens. It was a great series between two …

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Whac-a-mole management

You are probably familiar with Whac-a-mole, an arcade game that requires you to use a mallet to beat down the mole heads that pop up in a irregular pattern. It is a great game for soothing the savage beast inside! In today’s world where companies are running and gunning trying to find a path to …

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Be careful what you measure

The old adage “you get what you measure” has been proven time and again. The issue is, do you understand the implications of what you measure. Over the weekend, I attended a baseball series between Vanderbilt and Georgia, played in Athens. It was a great series between two well respected teams. It was also a …

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True of False: the answers

Here are the results to the questions in the last blog. Compare your answers to over 1,000 business leaders. (source: Focus Index Report Q1 2011) 1. Businesses are optimistic about the future. TRUE. In fact, they believe business will be stronger compared with today. 2. Manufacturing is the industry segment with the lowest average business …

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True or False?

Test your opinions against 1,000 business leaders to commonly asked questions. Answers will be in the next blog. 1. Businesses are optimistic about the future. 2. Manufacturing is the industry segment with the lowest average business strength. 3. Sales are up companred to this time last year. 4. Businesses are not increasing headcount. 5. Small …

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The Best Time to Plan? NOW!

Someone one asked, “if you wanted to plant an oak tree, when would be the best time?”. I guess it depends on whether you like oak trees but assuming you enjoy the shade and beauty of the magnificent oak, the best time was 20 years ago so that today you could be enjoying both. “So …

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Power of the People

In today’s environment, the most underused and biggest opportunity for improved performence is the power of the people. Which people? The people you connect with–employees, customers and influencers. You have undoubtedly heard all the statistics about how people, not companies, determine what gets heard (not what gets said) about the organization. Through Facebook, Twitter and …

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Is growth a dirty word?

Today’s business vocabulary is filled with words that are accompanied by a sense of urgency. When we refer to profits or sales, we want them NOW–not in 2 weeks, 2 months or 2 years. So no surprise that growth (which is generally viewed as more long term and strategic than sales), although highly desired by …

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The Business of the Royal Wedding

The Royal Wedding is almost here. Some of you may be more thrilled than others. However, you can’t deny that whether you are a romantic, a business centric thinker, or both, it has far reaching repurcussions. In a recent blog by Rosabeth Moss Kanter she explores some of these issues. Not unlike the last presidential …

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