Successful Pivots: What does it take?

We continually hear phrases like “new normal” and “pivoting” but what do they really mean to us? Is it just a new lexicon to add to our already cluttered to-do list or have you actually revised the strategic playbook to respond and even capitalize on the latest trends caused by disruptions?  Necessity is the mother …

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Contingency Planning: What threats to anticipate in 2022

Contingency planning takes on a whole new meaning after the last two years as we have learned to be adaptable. Even better would be to anticipate issues that could occur and have a significant impact on our businesses. While we can’t always see everything coming, like the pandemic, we can be rigorous about thinking through …

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Accelerating Growth In An Uncertain World-The Value of Culture

Video 9: Culture is a critical element of performance. How do you connect the dots between strong values and good business outcomes day in and day out? Have you ever wondered why some companies are able to succeed while others struggle? When you look at the companies side-by-side you observe that they are both professionally run and …

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Accelerating Growth In An Uncertain World- The Value of Commitment

Video 8: Leaders #1 role is engaging organization-wide commitment to the strategic direction of the company and the activities needed to achieve it. How does GrowthDNA™ help? Have you ever wondered why some companies are able to succeed while others struggle? When you look at the companies side-by-side you observe that they are both professionally run and …

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Accelerating Growth In An Uncertain World- The Value of Clarity

Video 7: Understand the power of having organization-wide clarity regarding strategic direction and how to achieve it. Have you ever wondered why some companies are able to succeed while others struggle? When you look at the companies side-by-side you observe that they are both professionally run and invest in new projects. So, what accounts for the difference …

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Accelerating Growth In An Uncertain World- The Value of Confidence

Video 6: How strategic analytics can change the boldness of decisions and the company’s level of success. Have you ever wondered why some companies are able to succeed while others struggle? When you look at the companies side-by-side you observe that they are both professionally run and invest in new projects. So, what accounts for the difference …

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Accelertaing Growth In An Uncertain World-Why GrowthDNA™ Works

Video 5: Understand why GrowthDNA™ produces better, more productive organizations that have more engaged employees generating more profitable growth. Have you ever wondered why some companies are able to succeed while others struggle? When you look at the companies side-by-side you observe that they are both professionally run and invest in new projects. So, what accounts for the …

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Accelerating Growth In An Uncertain World- The Value of Growth

Video 3: Do you spend most of your organization’s time managing operational profit? Learn how to focus on profitable growth for 4-5 times the return. Have you ever wondered why some companies are able to succeed while others struggle? When you look at the companies side-by-side you observe that they are both professionally run and invest in …

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Accelerating Growth In An Uncertain World-HOW Matters More Than WHAT

Video 2: Learn what simple changes can help your company accelerate growth Have you ever wondered why some companies are able to succeed while others struggle? When you look at the companies side-by-side you observe that they are both professionally run and invest in new projects. So, what accounts for the difference in performance? This video series …

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