Top Three Reasons Companys Fail to Thrive

In the last ten years I have had the privilege of helping mature companies whose sales had flat lined produce “breakthrough” growth–often doubling the size of the business. The solution in each case matched the needs of the company–definitely not “one size fits all”. But this article isn’t about the solutions–it is about what held …

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Do Your Customers Think You Really Care?

Do you travel very often? If you do, you have probably experienced the amazing customer service of the largest airlines–Delta, United, US Air and American. What? You weren’t thrilled with the service? Didn’t enjoy handing over extra moola for the bag fees? Hard to believe! Ha! As a frequent traveler myself, I am always amazed …

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Get Happy!

  Lately, I’ve been hearing a lot about the importance of happiness. As a growth catalyst, it seems to be too touchy-feely to be of much interest. Yet, it is such a popular topic, and in all the business media, and impossible to avoid. Recognizing that “where there is smoke, there could be fire” I …

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CEO Interview – Reggie Chandra

Rhythm Engineering Interview with Reggie Chandra, President/CEO, Rythm EngineeringReggie, thank you for joining me today. Tell us what your company does.Rhythm Engineering, is a traffic engineering company. Our goal is to save lives by synchronizing traffic signals. To that end, we designed a gadget that you can plug into any traffic signal in the United …

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Technology is the great differentiator

A strategy is a defined plan for how to operate the company differently or better than the market alternatives to achieve the goal. Most small and medium size companies don’t have a strategy. Instead, they have objectives or goals, without a clear strategy to help them achieve it. As shocking as that statement may be, …

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Innovation results from Collaboration and Integration

The Nashville Chamber of Commerce recently traveled toPortland,OR. to study the community and take away ideas for future improvements to the city ofNashville. Over 100 business leaders met with civic, education, and government officials. On the last day I was asked by a colleague, “what do we take away from this trip?” Portlandis a beautiful …

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CEO Interview – Tami Heim

TAMI HEIMCHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP ALLIANCEInterview with Tami Heim, President/CEO, of Christian Leadership Alliance Tami, you have had an interesting leadership journey, from for profit to non-profit and from secular to non-secular. Please help us understand how you developed your leadership style?My leadership style is a blend of DNA, over 35 years of professional experiences, and the …

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Two Eyes are Better than One

We have heard this cliché all of our lives. Have we ever stopped to acknowledge how it impacts us? This morning I sent an email to a long time client and it bounced back. Huh? I double checked the address, compared it against the one I had on file and the one from an email …

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The New Currency

Times they are a changing! In the past decades, companies believed success was largely based on size. While growth is still important, many companies have untapped “riches” they have yet to cash in on. 1. Relationships: good relationships with customers, suppliers and potential alliances are “golden”. The opportunity to accomplish more by working in partnerships with …

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