The Power of Harnessing Hardship

Rags to riches stories are some of our favorites–from Cinderella to J. K. Rowling. We love to cheer for the underdog. While most of us have never been in “rags”, few of us have escaped hardship somewhere along the way. Even though none of us like to hear it, the challenges we face, if harnessed …

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Harness Hardship to Drive Growth

In the equestrian world, we have a saying, “There are two kinds of riders, those who have fallen off and those that haven’t—yet”. Until October of 2012 I went for many years in the latter category. Eventually, I joined the ranks of the former and when I did, it was a doozy. But that is …

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What is the real reason you do what you do?

This is Seth Godin’s blog today and it is spot on. At the end, if you can, answer the question in the title. What’s it for? If, seventy years ago, you asked Henry Luce, “What is Time magazine for?” he’d probably talk about setting society’s agenda, capturing the attention of the educated and powerful and …

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Are You Thinking BIG?

I hope you are feeling as renewed and energized as I am about embracing all that 2013 will bring. Are you excited about the year? Are you anticipating great things? A recent interview in Fast Company features Larry Page, Google CEO. In the article he claims, “Not enough people are thinking big enough”.  I wonder …

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Want to exceed your 2013 plan?

Most of us are closing out the year and starting to think about how to ramp it up even higher for next year. How can we reach more customers? Increase our competitive edge? Is it time to take prices up? Should we invest in new technology? How much can we take on without straining everything …

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Haiti. The poorest country in the western hemisphere. A country where the average age is 7 and average personal income is less than $2,000/year, recently ravaged by an earthquake that has plunged them deeper into poverty and daily travails. Too many go hungry and die…way too young. I am here all week in a small …

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Strategic Implementation from a Master: NASA

There appears to be a wide chasm between those who have a strategic plan and those who have successfully implemented strategy. Unfortunately, the former doesn’t appear to beget the latter. The issue isn’t whether we value having a plan or if we understand how to do it–it is whether we can get it done. As …

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A year of gratitude

While Thansgiving comes but once a year, it is with a humble heart that I share how grateful I am each and every day for good health, a wonderful family, the opportunity to do the work I am passionate about, and through that work, meet and work wtih wonderful people like you! Know that I count …

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