Rethinking Business Growth

Company leaders worldwide seek business growth for many reasons. Whether it is to expand profitability to drive shareholder value, to build a stronger market value in preparation for a transaction, or because it allows them to support and promote their employees and by extension their families and community, growth is desirable for just about every …

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Is your organization committed to growth?

Most organizations think they are, but their actions don’t produce the results. It isn’t lack of skill or effort; it is an absence of an organization-wide growth mindset. GrowthDNA is a new program that helps organizations understand where to focus their efforts and new behaviors to develop to ensure sustainable next stage growth. Every growth …

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Achieve Better Results

Companies are replacing traditional strategic planning with a better way to achieve growth. A better way to achieve growth Business leaders and entrepreneurs can increase and sustain their growth by using the concepts, tools, and processes in the recently released GrowthDNA approach developed by Margaret Reynolds, author of “Reignite: How Everyday Companies Drive Next Stage …

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What is your biggest fear?

When I ask this question of clients, I usually get one of two answers: “my largest competitor” OR “the economy”.   Either of those might be your biggest fear, but your biggest fear should be…what you don’t know! Why is the unknown something to fear? Most big shifts in the economy or society, the kind that put …

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The Four Ps of Marketing and the Four Cs of Growth

Do you remember when you were taught the four “P”‘s of Product, Place, Price and Promotion? They were at the heart of successful business marketing plans.  The heart of successful growth is the four “C”s of Confidence (through data); Clarity (of direction); Commitment (of the organization); and Culture (the people). High Performing CEOS Cite People as …

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Business Triage: When Opportunity Knocks

The point of triage is to determine how you can save the most lives by handling a group of casualties quickly in the most effective way possible. Is that a practice we apply to business challenges? When a new opportunity presents itself to you, how do you handle the first five minutes? Why is the …

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Defy gravity and your business will take off

We all get caught up in the gravity of day to day business, and it is the daily routine that keeps us where we are today. We repeat our processes; our systems “lock us in” to doing business a certain way; our training is teaching the same skills and knowledge as last year; and then …

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To improve performance, focus on strengths

Most leaders get it wrong.  They have a strategy of focusing on the weaknesses in their company and their employees.  They focus on trying to make the worst products better, or getting employees to improve in their weakest areas of performance.  Most of us have a tendency to want to “fix” what isn’t right, rather …

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CEO Kevin Brown

Omaha Steel Castings Company Challenging the status quo is never easy. First, you must realize that you need to. Then you need to figure out what you want to be different. And finally, you need to engage the organization in getting it done. To not only generate transformative results but sustain them over time requires …

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Does Your Corporate Culture Support Your Vision?

Corporate Culture is starting to be understood as a key component of competitive advantage, but how do you take it from a buzzword to reality? Culture discussion deserves a little time. Can you describe your company culture in 5-8 adjectives? Good! Now, ask your leadership team and your customers to do the same. Do you …

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