As regular blog readers you may know that from time to time we publish interviews with amazing leaders that have accomplished a track record of high performance while leaving a legacy. Some of you ask how do I get interviews with such high profile people like Dan Cathy of Chick-fil-A or Joe Scarlett of the Scarlett Leadership Institute or Bill Taylor of Fast Company magazine. I ask.
I have found that true leaders are always leading. They see it as an opportunity to teach and are willing to share their wisdom wherever they can. If they can say yes, they will. Others, understandably, ask for influence and reach. How many people will their interview touch? Their priority is to make national news and they are interested in the marketing impact of their time. I get it. We are all busy. I can hardly blame them.
Will those that stress over ratings be legacy leaders? Maybe. Time will tell. What my experience has taught me is that those who are already great leaders, comfortable in their skin and abilities, don’t need big crowds and headlines to share their insights. That is why they are great leaders. They love to lead….anywhere, anytime, anyplace.
More interviews coming soon!