
Happy Thanksgiving

It never fails. A this time of year I reflect on all that I am grateful for…my faith, family and friends as well as my colleagues, and clients. This year, my gratitude is off the charts. YOU are a big part of the reason!

2016 was destined to be an important year. My husband and I decided we were going to “downsize”; something I wasn’t crazy about but my practical side won out. In April amid the final throes of all the paperwork and packing, ten days before the move, I came home to find my husband collapsed in the back yard. His heart had stopped. What ensued was a life and death battle that brought our family closer together, surrounded us with the love of friends, and reminded me what was truly important.

My husband has returned to full health. His doctors call him a miracle. I am graced knowing that his complete recovery was the plan of a Higher Order. I am eternally grateful for so many things…..

….For my clients who generously allowed me to focus on my family during this time
….For my children who were at the hospital every day and never let me feel alone
…For the doctors but especially the nurses who kept us company, uttered encouragement and helped us interpret the information
….For friends who had faced similar challenges and used their own experiences with hardship to help me through mine
….For friends who showed up and just did things for us that needed to be done….packing the house, providing meals, sharing love and comfort
….For people and congregations that prayed for us and were so joyful for our outcome
….and many more

As the year unfolded, and our lives returned to “normal” (is there such a thing?) the business has gotten even stronger. Mostly because of YOU! Your referrals and recommendations to others helped me expand my work to Austin, Houston, Omaha, Nashville, and Little Rock. I enjoyed working with many new clients as well as familiar faces, You may not know how much I truly enjoy our work and feel honored and privileged to be welcomed alongside you and your teams as you seek to accomplish important goals. This year has truly been a blessing along every dimension.

As you sit down with family and friends this Thanksgiving, I hope you reflect on all that you are grateful for and moreover I hope the list is long. It is important to me that YOU know you are on my list. For our relationship, for your trust, for our work together, I am deeply grateful.

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