
This is part 2 of a two-part blog. To read part 1, click here. The number one goal is to understand the importance of ...
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This is part 1 of a two-part blog. To read part 2, click here. Why do some companies succeed and others fail? Sure, part ...
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Banking is a dirty word in some circles. The recent economic challenges have galvanized the public’s negative sentiment toward those greedy “Wall Street bankers”. ...
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Top leaders agree, exceptional leadership has no room for ego. Since we started this blog in February we have interviewed top leaders around the ...
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A common question is: "How much is a brand really worth?" No one wants to hear “it depends,” but like so many other things, ...
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The definition of a brand is "everything that gives an entity its recognition, meaning and value." The brand perception held by the public, your ...
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Everybody knows what branding is, right? I used to think so, but I am no longer convinced. The definition of a brand is "everything ...
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Just back from a trip with a new dose of customer service frustration. I am reminded of the book by Ted Cohn, Why are you ...
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Perhaps, nothing! Perhaps, millions of dollars. The answer depends on how you manage your brand. According to BrandZ, brand value contributes almost 1/3 of ...
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