The Future is Waiting to be Created

That is exciting news in a year that has been so uncertain, and perhaps even a bit terrifying. The title to this blog is credited to Renita Kalhorn, an advisor to Navy Seals. Interestingly only 25% are able to complete Hell Week after 6 months of training. Kalhorn says “If you ask Navy Seal instructors …

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What is around the corner?

Tired of the Pandemic and Politics? Who isn’t? Unfortunately, both may get worse before they get better. But when I look back on this year, I am inspired to optimism. I have witnessed incredible strength and resiliency where company leaders have made tough choices but in so doing have strengthened their cultures, their relationships with …

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The World is Changing – How Will it Affect You?

By now you are probably tired of hearing about Covid and how it impacts business. Unfortunately, it is a topic we cannot escape. But what if we take a different slant for a moment and think about how it is permanently changing our overall culture, not just our business culture directly? As people absorb the …

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Key Questions About Today’s Business Environment

There are several key questions I keep hearing from my clients: How will remote working impact us long term? Is what I am experiencing in sales “normal”? Should I take advantage and hire talent now while it is available? In its most recent issue Inc. magazine surveyed its newest list of Inc. 5000 (fastest growing …

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What Stymies Business Growth?

Business Growth is Often Stalled by Doing What We Have Always Done We spend our lives focusing on the what—the practices, and policies that we have painstakingly put in place. We do what we do because we are supposed to do it. Our parents raised us to, or our teachers taught us to, or our …

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Do you have the right data to make better decisions?

Tracking progress should foreshadow the future not just report the past. The world just changed. The data you have is now at least partially obsolete, and the goals set earlier this year may not still be relevant. Tracking progress should reflect your current position and foreshadow the future, not just report the past. Especially now. …

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Pivoting Is The New Normal

Many of us are doing things we never thought possible. I spoke with a client this morning who said “We thought working remotely was something we would never do. Now we are good at it.” Leaders are seeing that what once served as constraint, our own belief in our ability to execute, is no longer …

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Are you going back?

As the world starts to peek out under the virus curtain and look around, we have some tough decisions to make. Are we going back to the way things were before we began this odyssey? Chances are, not exactly. Some key questions to ask are: Should I bring everyone back into the office? Some companies …

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Innovation is the Key to the Future

The Covid-19 future will require all of us to innovate. You are doing it already—changing how you work and communicate. Leaders are busy looking to the future, asking how they can be responsive and position their companies for success in the months and years to come. Our future won’t look like the past. Trends have …

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