Be a game changer

The last two years I have heard many CEO’s state, “I am just trying to be sure my company survives.” Sound familiar? Now, I am starting to hear, “sales are coming back”. Companies hope to regain the ground they lost the last two years. Later, with their feet back under them, they will think about growth. …

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Do you have a purposeful culture?

Undeniably, most companies have a culture. The culture is defined as ” the behaviors and actions that individuals use to decipher what is acceptable practice”. In most companies, the culture exists as a collection of practices established by an inner group–be they top executives or favored employees–an eclectic accumluation of values and behaviors evolved over time. Contrast …

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CEO Interview – Terry Dunn

TERRY DUNN JE Dunn Construction Interview with Terry Dunn, CEO of JE Dunn Construction Please give us a very brief history of the company.Our business was founded in 1924 by my grandfather J E Dunn and started out as a small business, doing housing and general construction jobs. During WWII, my grandfather took on government …

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Wake Up, Stand Up, Rise Above

You would probably have to be Rip Van Winkle not to notice we are in an era of change. The economy, the government and yes, your business world, is changing. No matter how hard we wish it wouldn’t, the evolution (or maybe revolution) isn’t slowing down to wait for us. The question is, are we …

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How optimistic are YOU about business growth?

The recession has ended. It has been announced by economists, proved by statistics and lauded by politicians. But do you believe it? For each of us, our reality is our own experience. Is your business doing well? Are you optimistic about your growth prospects? According to Bloomberg, US CEO’s are the most optimistic they have …

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Lessons learned from 2010

For most of us, we don’ t want to re-create the last few years. We want to learn from them. In fact, we want to grow our businesses at accelerated rates, in part, to make up for some lost time. Yet, we have all heard, “only fools keep doing the same things and expecting a different …

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2011 and beyond: planning that works!

Time and again, I hear from clients and business owners, “planning is not possible in this environment’, “well, we did a SWOT’, “We set our objectives–we use Rockerfeller Habits”, “we haven’t met plan so we stopped doing one’”, “we don’t know how to do a plan, really”, “we did our budget”. Need I go on? …

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CEO Interview – Cordia Harrington

CORDIA HARRINGTONTennessee Bun CompanyInterview with Cordia Harrington, President and CEO of Tennessee Bun Company Tell me about your company; how long you’ve had it, why you started it and where you see it going in the next year or two.The Tennessee Bun Company started as an exclusive supplier to McDonalds; a bakery that I built. …

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Who is your worst enemy?

The answer may surprise you. When I worked at Hallmark, we loved to trump American Greetings. I imagine they felt that same way about Hallmark. So, you might be surprised to learn that, as leaders, our worst enemy is not our biggest competitor, but rather ourselves. Huh? In any aspect of our lives, we become …

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Your results are predictable.

Most organizations strive to be the best they can be, delivering the highest results for their stakeholders. Statistics show that most under achieve against goals. Companies either under realize the forecasted potential documented in their strategic plan (most achieve only 2/3 of the potential inherent in their strategy) or they don’t realize the intended return …

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