Three Mistakes Most Leaders Make That Limit Growth

Many business leaders make decisions based on education and experience with the intention of putting their companies on the growth track. Unfortunately, their actions can have the opposite effect, unintentionally limiting growth or making it harder to attain. As the market has evolved, due to intense competition, technological advances and customers’ demands, things that used to …

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Escape Business Gravity and Re-Ignite Growth

For years, you’ve led your company’s successful growth. But now, something’s changed.  You’re working harder than ever but feel like you’re just running in place.  Long-term customers are buying less, margins are tightening, and the pressure is building.  Your company is struggling, and you feel stuck. If that sounds familiar, you’re not alone. In the lifecycle …

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Think BIG to Grow BIG

For the last decade I have studied and worked with businesses of all sizes and across many industries, helping them figure out how to take their organizations to the next level of performance. As my clients and I enter into discussions about what type of vision they have for the future, many want to see …

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Driving Business Growth by Focusing on Strengths

For most businesses there are more ideas for possible new growth opportunities than you have time or money to pursue. Deciding where to invest is difficult. How do you know which ones will yield the best return? The key is to stick to your strengths. There will be many opportunities that are appealing, but may …

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CEO Interview – Chuck Koester

Plastic Enterprises Co. CEO Interview with Chuck Koester, retired President & CEO at Plastic Enterprises Company, Inc. How a Company Got Unstuck and Doubled Their Growth Let’s start with the end of the story. Briefly describe the result:In three years we went from flat sales and lots of margin pressure to a significant turnaround in revenue and profit. …

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Recognize the Sweet Spot

The sweet spot. Every business has one. Sometimes, as leaders, we don’t even know we should be looking for it. If we find it, we can accelerate success and achieve sustained growth. The best news is that the sweet spot is unique—your company’s sweet spot is never the same as any other company—even those in …

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Business Blind Spot: You Have One; Where is it?

The overwhelming majority of businesses have a blind spot or a blindside. It is born from the history of how things have been done as well as a narrow focus on where the company is going. Major companies have been taken out due to their blindside. Blockbuster was certainly well aware of Netflix by the time it …

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Reality vs. Perception: Lessons Learned From Others Mistakes

Reality: The state of things as they actually exist, rather than as they appear or may be thought to be. Perception: The belief as a result of past experience, and interpretation of sensory information. Most of us accept our most closely held beliefs–our thoughts about things, our perceptions– as reality, at least in our personal lives. …

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UNthink to Get UnStuck

This week I am attending the National Speakers Conference in San Diego. If you want a humbling experience this is the place. Regardless of how accomplished and honored you may be in your area of expertise, it is here where you will always find a new idea, a presentation or an approach that makes you …

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Insights to Sustaining Company Culture

This week I had the opportunity to visit with Dave Ramsey in Nashville, the headquarters of his company, The Lampo Group. Dave is the radio celebrity who encourages people of all walks of life to be debt free and markets the program, Financial Peace University. I was there with about 20 fellow members of the …

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