What’s the Secret of Life?

This is dating me, but one of my favorite movie dialogues is from City Slickers: Curly: Do you know what the secret of life is? [points index finger skyward] This. Mitch: Your finger? Curly: One thing. Just one thing. You stick to that, and the rest don’t mean sh*t. Mitch: But, what is the “one …

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Do the Company’s Actions Match its Strategy?

Do the right- and left-hand work together? When was the last time you were a customer of your own business? Undercover Boss may not have really made it as a tv sensation and you may not even like the idea of “fooling” employees, but as leaders, don’t we have a responsibility to verify that what …

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Leadership from the Back

My friends and I just completed one of the most physically demanding horseback adventures we have ever done, which is saying a lot after participating in ten rides across the world in the last eight years. We were in the Parc Naturel Regional Morvan. It is like a national park in the Burgundy area of …

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What is the Difference?

Kids are going back to school, we are in the hot belly of late summer, and we are wrapping up summer vacations. On the business front, that means fall is around the corner. And with fall, the discussions about closing out this year strong and strengthening business performance next year begin. Like most things of …

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5 Leadership Lessons From Horseback

Every year since 2015 I have been blessed to take a trip with friends to ride horses somewhere around the world. I have completed ten rides on four continents. Since riding and leadership are both deep in my blood, It is always fascinating to me to extract the leadership lessons from each experience. And there …

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Mission Matters. Why does your organization exist?

As I drive through the city it strikes me how many businesses there are. There are buildings after buildings, each housing one or more businesses of every kind—health centers, nail shops, accounting firms, legal offices, and on and on. The landscape is full of buildings offering every kind of product and service. So much so, …

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Finding Quality Associates

One of the key challenges for many businesses today is finding help, especially quality associates. Everywhere you look there are help wanted signs and job fair posts. They are posted on doors to retail establishments, advertised in social media and splashed on billboards along with signing bonuses and starting pay. Many of the positions being …

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Jordan: What Leaders Learn From What They Don’t See.

Many of you know that Jordan is a middle eastern mostly Muslim country located just to the east of Israel. Perhaps best known for the ancient historic site of Petra, developed in approximately the 1st century B.C. by the Nabataean Empire, it was also the home and domain of the infamous King Hussein and Queen …

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Does your culture promote growth?

Companies cannot be stagnant in today’s world. What constituted success in the past is unlikely to work as well in the future. Competition is improving and wiping out advantage of the top ranked industry players and technology is leveling the player field between smaller and larger firms. Innovation matters –big breakthrough ideas, but also small …

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