What every growth-oriented company needs to know about customers

Growth, real growth, comes from making bold moves.  Without confidence, bold moves are unlikely to happen, and confidence comes from reliable data.  To generate confidence, an organization must have outside-in, focused market intelligence, and part of that market intelligence is about current and potential customers.  So, what does a growth-oriented company need to know about …

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Boost your GrowthDNA

Human DNA testing exploded in 2017, more than doubling. Today, around one in twenty-five adult Americans have access to their personal genetic data. A survey by Counsyl, a health technology company based in San Francisco, indicates that 53 percent of U.S. consumers want to know what is in their DNA. What drives the need to …

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The Best-Kept Secret for Driving Business Growth

Don’t you just wish there was a silver bullet for attaining your growth goals? We know there isn’t, but, wouldn’t it be so great if there were? Because we know what we want to achieve. We even have a pretty good idea of the path we need to take to do it. But if you …

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Think You Have a Strategic Implementation Problem?

Think You Have a Strategic Implementation Problem? Maybe You Really Have a Strategic Clarity Problem! You have a great strategy (or maybe you don’t). Either way, you are experiencing frustration because the implementation of your vision is like rowing a boat upstream and it isn’t yielding the results you are looking for. You are not …

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Three Ways to Increase Employee Engagement

Every organization has a culture—some by default, and some that are purposefully created. However, most are not successful at driving employee engagement and thus improved performance. The Gallup organization reminds us every couple of years that nearly 70 percent of employees are actively disengaged. According to Deloitte, 94% of executives believe that a distinctive culture …

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Why isn’t your strategy working?

A friend of mine was misdiagnosed for two painful years. She could describe the symptoms and did so repeatedly to doctor after doctor but they failed to identify the cause. And without a cause you can’t treat an issue effectively. The same is true with business problems. We may think we know the root cause …

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Outside-In Thinking Identifies Growth Opportunities

Outside-in thinking means that we look at a situation through another person’s eyes—the lens of the customer we are trying to serve. When you make decisions solely on how well it works for you and for your own organization, you might be missing a very important point of view. How does the situation appear to …

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Do you have initiative overload?

One of the most common issues that gets in the way of achieving goals is too many projects. As driven leaders aspiring to be the best among our peers, there are always more things to do than money or time allows. But that doesn’t always stop us from trying to sneak as much onto the …

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Are C-Suite Peer Groups Worth it?

Early in my career at Hallmark I was labeled a high potential employee. For that I am very grateful, as I was able to take advantage of a number of leadership experiences I might not have been exposed to otherwise. One of the best was a course offered by The Center for Creative Leadership in …

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